Prayers for Trinity was created as TCP's congregational prayer chain. If you have joys or concerns you would like lifted up by TCP, send them to Your requests will be sent to friends and members of TCP to include in their prayers.

We Keep In Our Prayers...

Barbara Shull was briefly back in the hospital, but is now in a new Physical Therapy facility.  If you'd like to drop her or Glenn a note please send it to Glenn (Barbara cannot see) at his home address: 
Glenn Shull
917 Scenic Drive
Ft. Collins, CO 80526
We continue to pray for Barbara Leutwiler, Gina Knochenmus and their families in the recent loss of their husbands Robert and Lee.  Lee's memorial service will be at the church on Saturday, February 22nd at 2pm.

Mandy Cluck's husband Josh Horne as he received concerning news following an MRI regarding his spine. They see a surgeon next week. On the flip side Josh and Mandy are blessed and thankful as they just purchased a new home near Grand Lake.

Barbara Leutwiler and Brandon Leutwiler in the recent loss of husband and father Robert Leutwiler.

Sylvia Hites, who is in physical therapy in Kremling Hospital due to complications from the flu.

Brook and Joe Mark.  Brook's mother, 95 is in hospice in NYC. Pray for guidance for Brook in how she can help being so far away.

The families of David Strate and KarenAnn Manley,  David and KarenAnn recently passed away.

Andra Baker Gleinn.  Her Husband Robert Gleinn passed away on January 13th following two strokes.

Barbara and Glenn Shull.  Barbara is now in a physical therapy center preparing to go home as soon as they can make some changes so that she can navigate her home without sight.


Mandy Hanifen's mother Lillian and Mandy's brother Ray.

Sandy Kessler's son Jeff, who had a melanoma removed from the top of his head.

Joel Rogers

Amy White

Geoff Elliott's sister in law, Elizabeth, who had a bad fall.

Darryl Troute's son, Lonnie, wh has evacuated the L.A. area wildfires

Barbara and Glenn Shull.  Barbara fell down some stairs at home resulting in some serious injuries such as fractured ribs and bleeding on the brain.  She is showing some encouraging sings of recovering.  She is at The Medical Center of the Rockies.

Mandy Cluck’s nephew, newborn baby Albert, is in intensive care . We pray for a swift fulfillment of his expected full recovery.

The Stafford’s grandson, Wyatt, graduated from high school . We pray for his guidance.

Prayers for Dana Conley’s mother to find appropriate housing for her care.

Prayers of thanksgiving for friends and family visits this time of year. and for their safe travels home. 

Pat Granquist is in declining health at home.  Prayers for Pat and Gary

Geoff Elliott's sister, Nancy is having a rough recovery after having her pancreas, spleen and gall bladder removed. She has been in the hospital for over 3 weeks. 

Barbara and Glenn Shull.  Barbara fell down some stairs at home resulting in some serious injuries such as fractured ribs and bleeding on the brain.  She is showing some encouraging sings of recovering.  She is at The Medical Center of the Rockies.

Charlene Penson is now in a re-hab center for physical therapy.  Her address is:                           Villa Manor Care Center                                                                                                                                   7950 W. Mississippi Ave                                                                                                                                Lakewood, CO 80226                                                                                                                                               

Melody Anders' friend, Mary Ann Montgomery's cancer has returned.  We pray that her new treatment will work.

Brook Mark who is recovering from basil cell removal from her nose.

Dana Conley, whose Uncle Ben passed away recently.

Charlene Penson, who had a bad fall and is at St. Anthony's in Denver.  Her son Scott, who is her caregiver.

Goeff Elliott's sister Nancy, who will have tests on her pancreas. Prayers for a good outcome.

Dana West requests that we keep 5 yr old Rowan Kerr in our prayers.  He is battling an aggressive form of bone cancer.

Barbara Shull, who has suffered a stroke in her one good eye.  She cannot read or play sheet music.  We pray that her sight recovers. We keep both Glenn and Barbara in our prayers.

Barbara Leutwiler, whose husband Robert is in a memory care facility and her son Brandon has been in the hospital for the last 3 weeks.

Mandy Cluck's Aunt Madge who has been admitted to the hospital with cellulitis and symptoms of diabetes.

The family of Marv Fischer, who passed away revently.  Marv was a great supporter and friend of TCP.

Melody Anders' neighbors, Tim and Pat who are dealing with brain cancer.

Dana West's daughter Katie, who is expecting.

Davi Rowe's friend Vic, who has received clear PET scans.

  • Ben Friesen and the RMRT Company who shared their many talents with us
  • Cody Swatling who we thankfully welcomed back this spring and look forward to welcoming back next year.
  • Joel and Sue Rogers who have brightened our summers for so many years as they move permanently to warmer climes. 

We pray for all who are suffering from our community's recent COVID outbreak, especially Joe Mark and Jay Lindsey

We pray for all those impacted by Hurricane Helene, especially Alanah, daughter of Karen and Peter Remple, who is sheltering from the storm in North Carolina.

Sue Roger's brother-in-law, Bob Evans, has been admitted to the hospital with a brain bleed. Prayers for both Pat, who has had a recent cancer diagnosis, and Bob.

From Jay Lindsay: Please pray for healing for our neighbor, Tom Porter who is being treated for amyloidosis, a rare disorder that causes the heart muscles to thicken and stiffen.

Mandy Cluck and Josh Horne, as they begin their life together following their wedding on September 14th.

Ike Hull, as he prepares for ankle replacement surgery on September 20th.

Melody Anders' sister in law, Connie DeCarlo.  Her husband, Joe passed away recently.

Sue Rogers' sister, Pat Evans, has been diagnosed with cancer.  Prayers for her and her family.

Evan Spaet, who is dealing with a medical condition. Evan is son of Linda and Robert Spaet, who were here last Sunday on a visit from their home in Oregon.

Mary Heinze, whose father, Robert Perkins passed away recently.

Rene Gorbold, who is recovering after a fall.

Tommy, a boy scout who was visiting Grand Lake and was hospitalized for appendicitis.

Larry Ivy, who is having complications following knee surgery.

Vic, who will have surgery this week.

Suzzane, a friend of the Connely's, whose son was found in HI. Prayers for his recovered health.

Dennis Stafford, who gives thanks for TCP's love and support.

Pat and Gary Granquist, as they continue to struggle with health issues.

Mandy Cluck’s mom Karen, who continues to suffer from pain after an emergency hernia operation.

Julie Scott, who recently fell and broke her pelvis and is experiencing a lot of pain.

Bethany Vriesman, who is trying new treatments.  We pray that they will bring her relief.

Mandy Cluck's Fiance' Josh Horne, who is suffering from terrible sciatic pain.  The epidural shots are becoming less effective and he will probably need to have surgery. 

All who have been displaced from the wildfires in our state.

Ruth Lindsay's sister's friend, Becky who is now in hospice.

Amber, a friend of the Rempels, who is having heart surgery.

Kate Elliott's Uncle John, has cancer and is not doing well.

Geoff Elliott's brother, Bob, who is taking radiation therapy for prostate cancer.

Sylvia Hite's son in law, David, who is experiencing complications from prostate cancer surgery.

Dale Baan, who is having problems with his back.

Karen Smith's mother, Lois, who is in the hospital after a fall. 

We celebrate the marriage of Dana West's daughter Victoria.

We celebrate the baptism of William Routt Ingalls and welcome him to our Christian Fellowship.  William is the Grandson of Carolyn Lane, and the son of Catherine and Jack Ingalls.

Pat and Gary Granquist, Pat fell on Saturday, July 13th resulting in a brain bleed.  She is currently at Lutheran Hospital in Denver.  We pray for her swift and full recovery.

We pray that the senseless violence and attempt on former president Trump will drive us to unite with our fellow Americans to understand and accept one another.  We pray that violence will never be the answer to our differences.

The relatives and friends of Susan Kalman whose 15 year cancer struggle has ended.

From Glenn Shull:  24 years ago Duane and Tabitha Wagner were members of Trinity Church.  They moved to Texas because of the high altitude.  Duane died of a heart attack on June 22nd at the age of 96.  They both sang in the Church Choir and Festival Chorus. Duane made the choir folder rack that may still be on the shelf in the back of the church.  He also made the podium for the Choir Director to stand on complete with instructions on how to use it.  One of the instructions was to put the carpet side up.  Tabitha's address is 6218 S. Fawnlake Drive, Katy, Texas 77493-2295

Sue Rogers for the sudden and unexpected passing of her younger brother, Tom Steitler.

Prayers for Laura Millar, Sue, Sittner, and Karen Kroon, on the passing of their father longtime member of Trinity Ed Kroon on June 23rd. He was 94. Their mother Ruth passed away on February 2nd. A celebration of life Service for both Ed and Ruth is scheduled for August 10 at 1 PM at Trinity. 

Don and Joyce Greenfield.  Don suffered a serious stroke several weeks ago and is now entering Columbine LeMay skilled nursing care June 29th.  We pray that he adjusts well with rehab in Ft. Collins.

Dave and Lois Sauer and their grown children,

Lois is recuperating from breast cancer,

their son Scott has been diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, (CLL) he is currently not taking treatments,

their daughter Karen Sowers has been diagnosed with a sarcoma on her leg and is beginning treatment. 

Prayers for overall health for Anne Hillstand who has MS and pneumonia.

Maryanne Montgomery asks for prayers for her friend, Larry Mosey, who has cancer. 

Barbara Leutwiler, as she transitions care facilities for husband Robert, who is battling dementia.

Alisa Meyer, daughter of Steve and Barbara, who is recovering from a broken ankle.

Elizabeth Boeve, who is recovering from ankle surgery.

Lois Sauer, who is recovering from surgery.

Rick and Robin Duszynski, whose son Douglass passed away unexpectedly last week.

Mandy Hanifen's family and all others who have been impacted by the tornado in Temple, Texas.

Dana Conley, who is home recovering from eye surgery.

Rowen Curr, 6 yr old who is being treated for bone cancer.

Don Greenfield who is recovering from a stroke.

Lucy Fitch.  Her mother, who has been in hospice has passed away.  She had celebrated her 100th birthday.

Gary Gardner, who broke his leg, but is doing well at home recovering.

Prayers for Dana West's friend, Ian, who suffered a stroke while traveling in Maine.

 Prayers for Mandy Hanifen's sister's family.  Her father-in-law, Francios, recently passed away. 

 Pat Granquist fell and broke several ribs and her hand.  We pray that she heals swiftly and well.

Ann Gibson asks for prayers for Charlotte in Florida who is in assisted living and is very ill.We pray that her health which has been improving continues to do so.

We give thanks that Steve Meyer's sister, Terry Sue, completed her heart procedure and pray that she fully recovers her health soon.

We pray for all those who are impacted by war and escalating tensions throughout the world particularly for those children who are trapped in wartorn situations. 

We give thanks for Kate Elliot's mother, Cynthia Allen's, 90th birthday and the family who  gathered for that celebration. 

Glenn Shull, who will be having a pacemaker inserted at Medical Center of the Rockies on April 15th. 

We continue prayers for Dwight and Rene Gorbold's son, Jeremiah, as he finds a good path forward. 

We pray that the evaluation of Dwight Gorbold's shoulder goes well this Friday and that subsequent treatment will relieve his chronic pain.

We pray for Steve Meyer's sister, Terry Sue, who is facing a heart procedure.

We pray for recovery and healing for Dana Conley's sister, Cindy,  

Family and friends of Dana West's cousin, whose daughter, Cheyanne, died at the age of 29.

Bob Scott's friend Greg Klob, who had quadruple bypass surgery.  We pray for his complete recovery.

Pearl Knight.  Her mother Henrietta passed away recently.

Tim Zimmerman who is recovering from shoulder and back surgery.

Dwight Gorbold, as he is contemplating the need to have shoulder replacement surgery on both shoulders due to on the job injuries.  Pray for his pain to subside and for both surgeries to have health coverage.

Dana West's family as they observe what would have been her son, Christopher's birthday on April 14th.

Steve Meyer's sister Terri Sue, who has a fractured vertebrae.

Dana West asks us to remember Victoria on her birthday.

Becky, who is undergoing cancer treatments.

Rene and Dwight Gorbold's son, Jeremiah, who has Covid.

Gary Granquist, who is undergoing cancer treatments.

Kathy Hendrickson, who has lymphoma, and is home under palliative care.

Prayers of thanksgiving as we welcome Josephine Ellen Rorabaugh, granddaughter of Peter and Karen Rempel, daughter of Ellie Rorabaugh.  She was born February 29, 2024, weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz. and a full 21 inches long.

Barbara and Steve Meyer's grandsons who were present at a Kansas City high school basketball game where, afterwards, outside, a shooting occured. They are safe, however 2 others were injured.  Prayers for all who have been impacted by gun violence in our nation.

A friend of Bob Scott's who is experiencing an emotional and mental health crisis.

Beth Vreisman Hill, who is in the hospital undergoing treatments and is experiencing set backs.  Please pray for healing and wholeness.

Anita Rogers, who is undergoing radiation treatments.

Linda Troute is recuperating and healing from recent foot surgery. Prayers for her continued healing.

Dwight and Rene Gorbold request prayers for their son Jeremiah, who is experiencing a tough time in his life.

Thanksgiving for Neal and Jean Cross's recent fun visit with their grandchildren.

Steve and Barbara Meyer's recent fun visit with their grandchildren.

Peter and Karen Rempel as they joyously await for their daughter Ellie, to give birth.

Mandy Hanifen's friend Patty, who had a severe reaction to a vaccine.  Prayers for relief from her pain and for healing.

From Brook Mark, "Please keep my son Douglas, in your prayers.  He has checked himself into rehab for alcoholism for the first time. Prayers that he will have strength."

All the people who are currently experiencing war and unrest in their lives.

Steve Mulligan and family, in the passing of his younger brother Patrick.

Barb King had back surgery on January 10
Her address is below
PO Box 326
Grand Lake, CO 89447


Gary & Pat Granquist
3882 Lee Circle
Wheat Ridge, CO 80333

Mandy Cluck’s father Neil who has recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s and is about to begin a clinical trial.

Barbara Leutwiler and family.  Barbara's sister is gravely ill.

Sandy Kessler's 18 yr old granddaughter, Devon, had a tonsillectomy on Dec 18th. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

Pastor David's son Tad, is having all 4 wisdom teeth removed in January.  Prayers all goes well and for a speedy recovery.

Geoff Elliott's brother, Bob was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  Prayers for successful treatment and a return to health.

Barbara King, who will be having back surgery on January 10th.

The family of Tom Stark who passed away Monday, December 11th.  We keep Ann Stark and her family in our prayers.

Glenn Shull's family.  His brother in law Skip Patience passed away December 14th.

Peter Rempel's brother in law, George is recovering after being hit by a car.

Sandy Kessler's grandson, Riley, is recovering from the flu and hand, foot and mouth disease.  He is a nurse with Hospice Care.

Mandy Cluck's friend Terri Acierno is in remission.

Mandy Cluck and Josh Horne announced their engagement in church on Sunday morning.

The family of Patrick and P.J. Anderson, Mark and Ceci Mix.  P.J. passed away Monday, November 20th after a long illness with cancer.  She fought very hard. A service for a celebration of her life was held in Trinity's sanctuary Monday, November 27, 2023.

Jerry Pope and his daughter Becky and 19 yr old grand daughter Cora. Becky's husband and Jerry's son in law, Trace Weickum passed away unexpectedly from blood clots and unknown causes at Littleton hospital. 

Steve Mulligan, who is recovering from the flu and Covid.  

Cody Swatling, who is doing quite well during recovery from his E-bike accident.  He is out of his wheel chair and occasionally able to walk without crutches.

Jan Reddy and family in the loss of her husband last week.  Jan is a member of Trinity's knitting ministry.

Ruth and Jay Lindsay.  Ruth is home recuperating from her successful hip replacement surgery.

Mandy Cluck's friend, Terri Acierno, is battling an aggressive form of breast cancer, complications of which necessitated a recent visit to the ER.  

For the family and friends of Rene Gorbold’s cousin’s mom, Janet, who passed away from lung cancer.

Ruth and Jay Lindsay.  Ruth will have hip replacement surgery on Thursday, November 2nd at 2:15pm. Ruth has a genetic disorder that makes her more vulnerable to blood clotting. Her surgeons are aware and have a plan if it effects her.  We pray for normal bloodwork and complete healing.

The family of Brian Thompson, a young man who took his own life last week.

The family of Dana West's uncle, Bobby West, who passed away.

Ann Gibson's friends, Janmarie & family, who are in Lebanon and impacted by the unrest in the Middle East.

Peace to all Peoples, especially those who are impacted by war and unrest.

Cody Swatling, who was severley injured in a bicycle crash.  His parents, Mark and Yvonne are taking him back to Michigan to heal and recover.  If you'd like to send Cody a card, send to: Cody Swatling, 9847 Peer Rd. South Lyon, MI 48178

Contunied prayers for Gary and Pat Granquist.

Natalie, who will have surgery on Wednesday.

The Middle East at war, and Ukraine.

Linda Barry's Niece, Mindy and her parents John and Marty.  Mindy is in the hospital with severe COVID.

Jerry Kirkpatrick's Niece, Kathy Henderson, who is preparing for another round of chemotherapy for lymphoma.

The family of Dana West, her uncle Steve recently passed away from a heart attack.

Linda Troute's father, Russ, who was taken to the ER for symptoms of the flu.  Prayers for a quick diagnosis and recovery.

Barbara Meyer's sister in law, Judy, who passed away unexpetedly from a heart attack.  Pray for Barbara's brother Jim and his three daughters and their families.

Barbara and Glenn Shull as they announced on Sunday their retirement from the positions of organist and musicians with Trinity Church in the Pines.  Their last Sunday was September 3rd.  We are thankful for the many years they shared their musical gifts with us and hope to see, and perhaps hear them, on occasion at Trinity in the future.  If you would like to send Glenn and Barbara notes of thanks and appreciation for their service at Trinity, you may mail them to:

Glenn and Barbara Shull                                                                                                                                       

917 Scenic Drive                                                                                                                                                           

Ft. Collins, CO 80526


Below is the letter that I shared with the congregation this morning.

Dear Trinity Session and Pastor David Heil,

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has blessed me and guided me for almost thirty years to be his voice in music playing the organ at Trinity Church.  For Seventeen years, I was full time Organist and Director of Music and served the Lord working with five different pastors.

In my heart, I now feel the Lord is guiding me to retire from serving as organist, partly because of age but also failing sight, hearing loss and arthritis.  You have blessed me and shared Christ's love in friendship and supported me through the years.  I'm so thankful to have had the privilege of serving the Lord at Trinity Church in the Pines.  Sunday, September 3, 2023 is my last Sunday to sit at the organ."

Sincerely in Christian Love,                                                                                                                           

Barbara Shull


The family and friends of Bob Camien, who died September 3rd.  Bob and Julie Camien attended Trinity while they lived in Grand Lake and were dear friends of the Trinity church family.  They loved their time in Grand Lake and attending Trinity Church in the Pines.   

The family of Ben Sheehan, who recently lost his life in a rafting accident in the Gore Canyon

The Mesteth family, residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation and friends of Steve and Barbara MeyerJames was scheduled for heart surgery but suffered heart failure and is now hospitalized on life support which will be removed.  The family has gathered to say their final goodbyes.  We pray for peace and comfort during this difficult time.

Cathy Lund's brother Jim, will undergo a very specialized 10 hr surgery at the Cleveland Clinic on September 13th to remove a rare occurrence of blood clots in his lungs.

Jerry Pope, whose wife, Katy, passed away on August 26th.

An update on Elizabeth Boeve's niece, Cassandra:  Cassandra's double mastectomy was successful, however she contracted an infection post surgery.  She was in the hospital for 3 days and is now home but still under treatment.  Please continue prayers for her full recovery.

Joyce Wells is scheduled for colon cancer surgery.  Prayers for successful surgery and speedy recovery.   

The Island and community of Maui in the midst of the devestation from the wildfire.

The West Coast as they prepare for massive flooding in the Hurricane aftermath.

Continued prayers for PJ Anderson, in her struggle with her health.

Brook Mark, who reports good progress in her treatments.  Prayers of thanksgiving.

Julie, from Phoenix who has suffered multiple strokes.

Cassandra, Elizabeth Boeve's niece, who is a young mother battling breast cancer.

Rob, from Tucson, who had a liver infection while on vacation in Grand Junction.

Jill, who had gallbladder surgery, and 7 yr old Jensen, who has lymne disease.

Barb, Linda Dickinson's friend who has been moved to hospice.

Barbara Shull who is recovering from a fall last week.

Pastor David and his family, in the loss of his mother, Natalie Heil.

From Deb Sisung, her mother's pastor, Bill Cheyne in Aurora, in the hospital for pnemonia.

Mandy Hanifen's friend Jodi, recovering from extensive shoulder surgery.  Patti in Boise recovering from lower back surgery.

friends who are recovering from COVID, Ann and Alex Volz, Peter and Karen Rempel, Scott Merchant's parents, Steve and Susan.

healing prayers for Geoff Elliott's brother John.

Barb King who recently lost her brother.

Brook Mark, who underwent a difficult treatment on Tuesday.

Mandy Hanifen's friend, Patti Mulcahy, who is facing a 3rd back surgery.

Wendy Allison's father, Gary, who is having cardiac problems and is having trouble finding a doctor.

Rich Cotter, who is recovering from injuries from a bicycle accident.

Terri Acierno, a Grand Lake local who has been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer and is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

Neil Cluck, father of Mandy Cluck, who has been pre-diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.

Brook and Joe Mark. Brook will begin treatments for leukemia.  She will be treated in Colorado Springs so that she can be closer to family. Treatments will last through the next month on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Linda Barry's friend, Pattie Frisbee, who is experiencing back troubles.

Prayers of Thanksgiving for our caring community as we keep one another in our prayers

Sandy, a friend of the Rempels, who was diagnosed with breast cancer

Prayers of Thanksgiving for Steve Mulligan, on the occasion of the birth of his great granddaughter, Sevi, born three weeks ago.

Mandy Cluck's parents, Karen and Neil, as they make a move into their new home and new chapter in life.

The community of Douglas, AZ and two congregations that were destroyed by arson, St. Stephens Episcopal, and First Presbyterian Church.

The Holy Spirit's presence in our lives.

Ellie and Aaron Rorabaugh. Prayers of thanksgiving as they officially adopt their son Raylend, on June 15th.

Janet Thomas, Godspeed to her as she moves to Central New York to be closer to family.

James Mesteth, of Pine Ridge, who was released from the hospital and is home on dialysis. 

Gary and Pat Granquist, in the passing of Pat's brother, Mike.

Mandy Hanifen, as she deals with a bad back.

James Mesteth, of Pine Ridge, who was flown to Denver hostpital due to a medical emergency.

We lift up all those effected by yet another mass shooting in Texas. There have now been over 225 mass shootings this year.  We pray for all who have been effected and pray that these senseless acts of gun violence will cease.

Kristin Griffith and her family, niece to Kate and Geoff Elliott, whose husband Jeremy, died on April 25th.  Kristin has recently been in our prayers after a massive heart attack.  Please keep this family in your prayers.

Jim Debevic is in cancer treatment. Prayers for successful treatment and for Lisa and family as they support Jim's recovery.

Prayers for Laurie and the Macura family. 

From Pam Johnston: Our daughter, Melissa, sadly is going through a divorce after 8 years of marriage. The mediation will be on May 9. May it all go smoothly with no animosity or contentiousness. Thank you for your prayers.

Prayers for Sam Eberly, who has had a couple of really bad falls and is now in Saint Anthony’s. They do not know what’s causing him to pass out and fall.

From Melody Anders: Please pray for my brother Bruce, who has recently had his hip replaced and is currently on a walker. His wife Kristine, has been admitted to the hospital for tests. They don't know what is wrong with her. She will be there several days. My brother takes care of my mother, who lives with him. Pray for all of them.

Congratulations to Rev. Erika Spaet and Tom Curtis on the occasion of the birth of their second child, Louis Curtis on April 1st.  Erika is the daughter of Linda and Robert Spaet.

Congratulations to Carolyn Lane on the birth of her first grandchild, William Routt Ingalls.

Prayers of thanksgiving for Linda Gardner.  They have found a medication that seems to be offering her comfort.

Prayers for Jocelyn Anderson, wife of Patrick, daughter of Ceci Mix.  She is taking treatments in Tennessee while Patrick travels back and forth from Granby.  Mark and Ceci are taking care of their kids during her time in treatment.

Continued prayers for Ken and Linda Fucik, who are both experiencing additional health challenges.

Prayers of healing for Barbara & Robert Leutwiler, for her severe osteoarthris and for his dementia.

Thanks be to God for the continued Good News for Steve Mulligan, who has been battling cancer.  Steve is looking for housing here.

Prayers via Ike Hull from Mike Montgomery for Mary Ann who has been diagnosed with non-hodgkin lymphoma & needs chemo.

Continued prayers for the peace and safety of those in Ukraine.

Prayers from Brook  and Joe Mark,  for their Nephew Louie, who suffers from severe epilepsy and continued prayers for their son Douglas.

Prayers for Steve Mulligan while he continues treatments.  He is staying at the Suites in Parker.  His mailing address is,

The Suites Parker                                                                                                                            

9398 Crown Crest Blvd.                                                                                                                

Parker CO. 80138     


Healing Prayers for Gary and Pat Granquist. 

Prayers for Glenn Shull’s, brother-in-law, Skip Patience
and his family. He is now receiving hospice care.

Lucy Fitch's mother, who fell and is in hospice.

The entire Mesteth family as they gather to celebrate the lives of Thelma and Fred who passed within the last year.

Laurie, that her health would be restored.

Jeff Austin and his young family.  Jeff is battling stage 5 cancer.

Michael Williams, of Kremmling.  His wife Francesca was killed in an attack in Ecuador.  Michael and their daughters were critically injured.

We lift up all those effected by yet another mass shooting in Texas. This is the 199th mass shooting to occur this year.  We pray for all who have been effected and pray that these senseless shootings will cease.

Kristin Griffith and her family, niece to Kate and Geoff Elliott, whose husband Jeremy, died on April 25th.  Kristin has recently been in our prayers after a massive heart attack.  Please keep this family in your prayers.

Jim Debevic is in cancer treatment. Prayers for successful treatment and for Lisa and family as they support Jim's recovery.

Prayers for Laurie and the Macura family. 

From Pam Johnston: Our daughter, Melissa, sadly is going through a divorce after 8 years of marriage. The mediation will be on May 9. May it all go smoothly with no animosity or contentiousness. Thank you for your prayers.

Prayers for Sam Eberly, who has had a couple of really bad falls and is now in Saint Anthony’s. They do not know what’s causing him to pass out and fall.

From Melody Anders: Please pray for my brother Bruce, who has recently had his hip replaced and is currently on a walker. His wife Kristine, has been admitted to the hospital for tests. They don't know what is wrong with her. She will be there several days. My brother takes care of my mother, who lives with him. Pray for all of them.

Congratulations to Rev. Erika Spaet and Tom Curtis on the occasion of the birth of their second child, Louis Curtis on April 1st.  Erika is the daughter of Linda and Robert Spaet.

Congratulations to Carolyn Lane on the birth of her first grandchild, William Routt Ingalls.

Prayers of thanksgiving for Linda Gardner.  They have found a medication that seems to be offering her comfort.

Prayers for Jocelyn Anderson, wife of Patrick, daughter of Ceci Mix.  She is taking treatments in Tennessee while Patrick travels back and forth from Granby.  Mark and Ceci are taking care of their kids during her time in treatment.

Continued prayers for Ken and Linda Fucik, who are both experiencing additional health challenges.

Prayers of healing for Barbara & Robert Leutwiler, for her severe osteoarthris and for his dementia.

Thanks be to God for the continued Good News for Steve Mulligan, who has been battling cancer.  Steve is looking for housing here.

Prayers via Ike Hull from Mike Montgomery for Mary Ann who has been diagnosed with non-hodgkin lymphoma & needs chemo.

Continued prayers for the peace and safety of those in Ukraine.

Prayers from Brook  and Joe Mark,  for their Nephew Louie, who suffers from severe epilepsy and continued prayers for their son Douglas. 




If you need prayer and care, contact Pastor David at