Dear Members and Friends of TCP,
This weekly email always contains links from twitch and our website for upcoming Sunday worship at 9:30am. It also contains the bulletin, Insert, Scripture and music for worship as well. But in addition to that it occasionally has some news of the congregation that you might want to keep up with. So I thought I'd put the "Please Read" hook in the subject line just in case you tend to skip the email altogether. Haha!
As you know, the church always depends on end of year giving to help us meet our operating expenses for the year. You are a generous congregation and you have stepped up in a very big way to help meet that goal. There's just a little more to go before we do reach the goal. Last year we ended with a deficit. That hasn't happened in quite a long while. This year we could also end with a deficit. The main point of this message is to say thank you to those of you who have contributed. Your contributions count, and are appreciated so much.
If you have not made a donation please consider doing so. Trinity Church in the Pines is a great church, because it's made up of people like you!
December 22nd is the Fourth Sunday in Advent, and then Tuesday we come together for worship at 4pm and 6pm for Christmas Eve Candle lighting services.
I hope to see you Sunday morning and Tuesday evening at one of the services.
Merry Christmas!
Trinity Church in the Pines
P.O. Box 676
Grand Lake, CO 80447